Was £26.99, Now £21.00 Eager to prove her worth to Lord Eradikus, COMMANDER PREON has built a research station on the edge of civilised space. There, she's developing strange and powerful CYBERWARE - and using all the best of it to augment her own half-mechanical body.
SKULK around an all-new game board!
INSTALL Cyberware for abilities that last the whole game!
EVADE Commander Preon using her own Executive Escape Pods!
Whether it's illegal, hazardous, or just plain fun, you'll find it on CYBER STATION 11.
New Cyber Station 11 game board
1 double-sided game board module
40 Adventure Deck cards
Commander Preon boss marker
2 Executive Escape Pod markers
This box does not contain the full game contents. Requires Clank! In! Space! to play.
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